Ghiceste filmul in care a jucat Leonardo DiCaprio dupa imbracaminte

Esti fan Leonardo DiCaprio? Incearca acest quiz si identifica filmele in care a aparut cu fiecare tinuta.
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

The Quick and the Dead
The Great Gatsby
Gangs of New York
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

Romeo + Juliet
Basketball Diaries
J. Edgar
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

Shutter Island
Romeo + Juliet
Django Unchained
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

J. Edgar
Revolutionary Road
The Basketball Diaries
Shutter Island
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

The Man in the Iron Mask
Revolutionary Road
Shutter Island
The Great Gatsby
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

The Aviator
J. Edgar
Catch Me If You Can
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

The Great Gatsby
Revolutionary Road
The Quick and the Dead
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

The Basketball Diaries
Revolutionary Road
Shutter Island
Romeo + Juliet
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

Catch Me If You Can
Shutter Island
Revolutionary Road
The Aviator
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

Romeo + Juliet
The Aviator
Shutter Island
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

The Quick and the Dead
Django Unchained
Revolutionary Road
Shutter Island
The Great Gatsby
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

Gangs of New York
The Man in the Iron Mask
Django Unchained
The Quick and the Dead
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

Django Unchained
The Quick and the Dead
Revolutionary Road
The Basketball Diaries
Shutter Island
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
In ce film a purtat costumul din imagine

Revolutionary Road
J. Edgar
The Quick and the Dead
The Basketball Diaries
Shutter Island
Corect 🙂
Gresit 🙁
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Ghiceste filmul in care a jucat Leonardo DiCaprio dupa imbracaminte
Ai raspuns corect la %%score%% din %%total%%